

30  –  5th Sunday Breakfast in Disciple Hall at 9:30 am


05  –  Bingo in the Community Room from 1:30 to 3:30

08  –  Hope Remains in the Community Room at 6 pm

13  –  Palm Sunday

13  –  Potluck Luncheon in Disciple Hall after Worship

14  –  Book Club at 1 pm in the Community Room to discuss The Lonely Hearts Book Club by Lucy Gilmore

17  –  Maundy Thursday service at 6 pm in the Sanctuary

18  –  Good Friday. The sanctuary will be open from 10 am to 2 pm for prayer and meditation

18  –  Christian Men’s Fellowship (CMF) meets at Old Tyme Burger at 7:30 am

20  –  Easter Sunday

21  –  Office Closed

22  –  Earth Day

25  –  Arbor Day

27  –  CCC serves Randy Sam’s Shelter. Prep at 4 / Serve at 6

28  –  Cabinet Meeting in the Community Room at 6 pm